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Big Picture Project Collaboration

The all-in-one collaboration tool for businesses and projects

Replace Slack and Teams, Jira and Asana, Confluence and Sharepoint, with a single application that lets you quickly search, track, and manage all project details.

Big Picture Screenshot

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Work Without Limitations

Unlimited projects, users, guests, tasks, lists, messages, and everything else. Pay only for what you use.

Collaborate Across Your Organization

Big Picture project management is a single, unified, source for all project collaboration. All conversations, meetings, notes, documentation, work items, and tasks are stored in Big Picture. The days of siloed project details are over.

Focus on Projects

Most messages and meetings at the team level are about a project: from daily stand-up, to slack messages asking about the status of an issue, to a zoom meeting triaging the latest issues, or planning the next sprint. Big Picture unifies all project communication and tracking into a single application.

Teams Matter

Teams are a central focus of Big Picture. They can be assigned to projects, @mentioned in conversations, membership history is stored, and their relationships to other teams can be tracked.

Public and Private Documentation

Collaborate on documents that are published for a project, organization, or a team. Documentation is centralized, tracked, and versioned, and can be made private, public to the whole organization, or even published to end-users.

External Collaborators

Let guest users see issue lists and progress, public documentation, or even collaborate on projects alongside your permanent employees.